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Business Calculations

Accurate calculations are essential to the financial health of any company. It's crucial to use the correct tools when planning for the cost of starting up or calculating your breakeven points or analyzing the potential for an acquisition. Calculations can be easy or complicated however the results are what matter.

Start-up costs cover the costs required to begin a new business including fixtures, equipment and office supplies. Research expenses, such as analysis of industry and market trends are also included in start-up expenses. A good estimate of startup costs can be derived by looking over the financial statements of similar businesses in your sector or speaking with your accountant or bookkeeper for advice on specific cost categories. You should also add a cushion of safety of 10% to your starting costs, to take into account the unforeseeable.

Calculating your total cost will help you determine if you are able to make a profit selling your products or services. You can determine your cost of goods sold (COGS) using an equation. This figure is essential for determining the cost of goods sold and profit margins.

The most effective business calculators are simple to use and feature many functions. Some business calculators have built-in functions like amortization and interest rate conversions. Some calculators for business have visual graphs, while others connect to computers to allow calculations to be saved safely. There are also business calculators that have more advanced features, like an NPV calculator, which uses a discounted cash-flow calculation to determine the net present value of cash flows in the future.